Teaching felting at Titjikala community in Central Australia

Well, this is my very busy time of year when I teach away a lot. I have had the most wonderful trip to Central Australia teaching felt hat-making with artists’ from the Titjikala Art Centre. This is a remote community in the Simpson desert out from Alice Springs, Central Australia. It was great to have been asked to teach these wonderful artists and to spend time together making hats and developing friendships and skills.

We were making hats for the annual Beanie Festival in Alice Springs. They did an exceptional job!

Nora wearing Hazel’s emu hat and Jeffery wearing Sandra’s Cockie hat.
Sandra’s wonderful hat!
Snake bag by Jennifer
Jennifer quietly got on with things and made two wonderful hats.
Cora and her beautiful hat
Sandra’s second hat
Marie made hats and bags with lovely intricate patterns
Lovely Dilly bags
Sandra and her wonderful “Cockie” hat.